Monday, December 10, 2012

Gone Bananas!

More about my weird texture issues. I don't like cocolate dipped cones or bars. I find the combo of the waxy crunchy chocolate and sweet cold ice cream something akin to eating worms. It just plain squicks me out. However i'd heard good things and the price was good (1.99) for these and even if I didn't like them and they were subpar - I knew the kids would eat the snot out of these. For two young (certainly not little!) my kids both eat more than a grown man does. I just know my grocery budget when they are teens will be more than my morgage and car payments combined. Unless I go and buy a BMW. But I digress...

Box comes with 20 pieces, and while they look small they really are filling. I was admittedly still rather full from my ham and cheese kolache (yum!) but 2 pieces left me patting my tummy with glee. Since my kids were away for the weekend, I didn't have to hide them either!

There is the vague air of the dipped chocolate deal, however the chocolate is GOOD and slightly thicker so I didn't get the odd crunchy chocolate weirdness that normally makes me gag down my frozen treat and smile politely as I watch others scarf theirs down with glee feeling awkward.
Bananas were ripe and firm and tasty. Frozen aspect was good as well, it will be a nice treat esp when it's hot outside.
The kids may have to pry these out of my cold dead hands.


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