Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Frosted Flakes

The kiddos hardly ever ate cereal in my house due to busy travel schedule and inability to keep dairy in the house. Atleast non expired variety. Usually we did oatmeal for breakfast as it required very little expire-able items. New job, more time to shop!
I bought these on a whim, as I doubt my kids have had FF more than 2x in their lives with ME anyway....and now it's going to be some sort of army of darkness around here if we ever got down to ONE box.
They will pass on booberry or cocoapuffs or any number of cereals which are basically giant bowls of processed sugar with a sprinkling of something to bulk it up. It disturbs me just how crazy the cereal thing is now. *Shudder*
that being said my all time favorite cereal, honey nut cheerios tears up the roof of my mouth something awful. Same thing happens to me when I eat tomato sauce too. Like, I'll be sore for days. I still cave and buy a box every so often, but generally like when I go out drinking I find myself going "WTF? really? why can't you learn already!"
now my rare guilty pleasure cereal is lucky charms. What a load of crap that stuff is. but I can't help myself. one bowl every 6-12m isn't going to KILL me, surely?

Anywho, FF are not the healthiest thing on the planet, but these are really tasty and quite cheap. I'm willing to admit that everytime i've gone to TJs since it's opened i've ended up buying like 3 boxes. and they are disappearing awfully quick!

I really need to pickup a box of bran flakes to make muffins. hmm....


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