Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cereal Bars

I used to buy the nutrigrain bars for myself back in highschool....and those things were PRICEY!
The kids were kinda meh on the box i'd bought (nutrigrain ones)...I ate most of them myself, but then hit TJs and bought all the varieties of the cereal bars they sold.
They have strawberry, blueberry, apple, and fig!
Fig isn't my normal MO...being a FAR FAR pickier eater than my kids even (I used to buy strawberry and apple NG bars) but I loved fig newtons if I didn't think about them too much. LOL.

The kids have loved all four flavors and I get no objections when I suggest they grab a cereal bar instead of a bag of fruit snacks for lunch/snacktime. Plus, how cute is that box?
and at 1.99 for a box of 6, and I suspect FAR healthier versions of ingredients than NG even provides....I'm hooked. Plus, FIG! yay!

I fully plan on keeping atleast 2 varieties onhand at all times.


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